Posted by: Marilyn Dieckmann | April 1, 2014

I believe…

I believe…

Powerful words, and they get bandied about with varying degrees of sincerity. But, what does it mean to truly believe?

momWhen I say I believe, it’s because I sincerely believe in the vast possibilities in heaven and on earth. I believe in God and angels, in miracles and magic, wee folk and the power of nature. How can we not believe when we are surrounded by such spectacular creations here on earth? How can we limit ourselves to that which is tangible and truly within reach?

My mom is an angel… I was at her bedside the last 5 days of her life. NO ONE should die alone. I was there when the angels came to escort her home. Whether or not you agree, it doesn’t matter… I believe.

At 4am on her last day… I felt absolute PEACE enter the hospital room, and a cool kiss like a soft breath on my cheek. That presence (which I believe was an angel) stayed until she was ready to go. I was showing the nurse photos of her life and as I said, “my mom is so beautiful…” mom took her last breath. The last words she heard on earth were mine, and I will carry that with me forever.

♥  I believe.brothers

I’m a mom and grandmother, and I pray every day for angels to guard my family. My sons never doubt my unconditional LOVE for them, and they know I will ALWAYS be there for them. I am truly blessed… they ALWAYS tell me they LOVE me too!

I plan to watch over them forever.

♥  I believe…

When I was a child I could feel for others, more than a simple or casual emotion… because I could feel pain. If someone bled, I actually hurt for them. I still do, but not to the same degree as when I was a child.  Why would anyone want that privilege? I’m not sure, but I consider it a gift… When Don had his strokes, I knew. I felt his pain and confusion and I rushed to his side. He is my LOVE and my soul-mate.

♥  I believe…

Is there evil in the world? Absolutely… and you can put any name or face on it you choose. I’m not going to nitpick over something that I choose to keep as far away as possible. However, I will give evil a swift kick every chance I get… in whatever form it takes. Enough said.

soaring doveI’m so thankful for my friends and family and faith. They make it all worthwhile.

So today, let your spirit soar!

Take a minute to look for the magic in your life.

Whether you agree or not… it’s there.

♥  Believe.

Have a wonderful day!

From Marilyn with love…


  1. Lovely post 🙂

  2. Lovely post Marilyn ☺

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